We found out a couple weeks ago that the little being growing inside me is a GIRL!!! I figured it was time for a baby update!
We were ecstatic to find out we had a little girl on the way, and the next day we went out and bought a couple outfits that are pink and frilly and adorable!! Dallin doesn't quite understand what's going on. Though if you ask him where baby sister is, he will point to my belly. It will be interesting to see how he adjusts to being a big brother...but he still has 4 months of ruling the roost as he pleases.
Baby girl is very active! I feel her kicking and moving around ALL the time, especially when Dallin is sitting on my lap. She likes to have her space. :) And she is carrying really low, so I have to pee all the time and my lower back is already all cramped up.
Jared has felt her a couple of times, which is fun, but I am ready for her to kick hard enough that he can feel her every day...it's more fun to be able to share those experiences! I'll be 23 weeks on wednesday so that is exciting. I'm glad I still have the summer to get ready for her arrival, but we can't wait to see her sweet little face in person.
But for now he gets to look at this beautiful face whenever he wants. And isn't she precious!!!