Monday, March 25, 2013

St. Patricks Day

Growing up, St. Patrick's day was one of the biggest holidays celebrated.  Because of my Irish history (as well as the fact that my grandparents served a mission in Ireland), there was always an excitement surrounding the 17th of March.  Green outfits were put on the night before in order to avoid merciless pinching when woken up for scripture study early the next morning, and the leprechauns always mischievously died our milk green, and left candy for munching.  

And so the traditions continue in the Hughes household!  Sure enough, when we awoke we found green milk in the fridge, and we dressed appropriately in our greenest sunday best!

Here are my handsome fellas!

And dinner was fettuccine alfredo, with a charming green sauce. :)

And no good St. Patties day afternoon is complete without a cozy nap!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Life Lately

The last month of our lives has done anything BUT fly by.  My optimism flew out the door and vacationed somewhere in Hawaii while we were stuck here in the trenches of an eastern idaho winter, greatly affecting my desire to write on the blog, or do anything other than run away and join my optimism on the beaches of Hawaii and consume as many fresh strawberries and fruity drinks as my pregnant body could handle. But alas, spring has poked it's head briefly over the horizon, and my optimism is slowly cruising back to Rexburg where it belongs.  Although, Jared and I have decided that our 'Summer Family Vacation' will now take place in February each year because otherwise the idea of living in Eastern Idaho for potentially the rest of our lives resembles a dark torture. :)

Nevertheless, life has continued and there have been plenty of wonderful little moments.  With a one year old scampering around, there is always something exciting going on. And his life has come with its bumps and bruises. (This was a particularly bad day, (a face plant on the the cement path at the park and another face plant on the kitchen floor later that night) but not too unlike many others)

Dallin loves getting his quality time with daddy. When Jared gets home, he knows that it is his DAD TIME.  I think he even understands that Saturdays and Sundays are dad days too because he clings to him as much as possible. Last week in church, Jared gave the opening prayer and I had to walk out with Dallin because of the screams!

They will play games and read books together

Or my favorite is when I look over and Dallin is just snuggling up with him.

As for what goes on in our days.  We play and read and sing songs and run around.  I try to get him out everyday for SOMETHING, and he loves going or just going for a walk (though he prefers to be out of the stroller nowadays.)

Dallin has recently become fascinated with his little "seats" around the house.  He will sit on a platform of legos, or a shoe or a box--whatever is just his size.  And lately anytime I open the fridge he will sprint to the kitchen and steal a seat in there.  He is well entertained by organizing the condiments, and it always makes me giggle. 

Another pastime (usually when I am trying to put dinner together) is to tear apart cupboards.  He will pull out all the tupperwares from the drawer, or all the shoes from the shoe basket.  One day, after zoning out while cutting up veggies for dinner, I turned around to find this. He had pulled everything he could grab out of our makeshift storage shelf!  :)

He had a blast exploring all the different tools and sitting/jumping on each and every one of them. 

And sometimes I let him help me make dinner.  He loves making bread--he is obsessed with our Bosch!  Every time I open the closet we keep it in, he freaks out wanting me to get it down, and there is no way I can run it during his naptime or bedtime--he wakes up in a snap and screams until I come get him and let him 'help' me 

There is no doubt that he brings a spirit of excitement and discovery into our home every day, and we can't imagine our lives without it.