Time is flying and though the days are sometimes long, the weeks zoom past and I look at my kids and can't believe how grown up they are! So here's the skinny on our little family.
-- Wants to be just like her brother and strives to do nearly everything at his level. She copies everything he says and loves to be his sidekick. She prefers his cars and trucks to any of the 'girl toys I have given her too.
Also, she sticks her tongue out a lot...

--Loves Frozen. She wants to watch it all the time, and it proves to be a good distraction if she wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, or is sick.
--She's a singer! She loves to sing songs from the shows we watch, as well as primary songs. She'll bang on the piano and sing for 30 minutes straight. Also she belts a pretty good "Let it Go!' that always makes me giggle.
--Playing outside is her favorite thing to do, especially riding Dallin's bike.

--She loves her milk and drinks at least 3 bottles full every day. She's a great eater, usually eating everything I offer. She currently loves corn, beans, noodles, and rice the most.

--She has also decided to boycott naps recently, a sad development in my life but what can you do? She did collapse on the couch one day this week, but for the most part she just powers through the day and breaks down around 6;30 PM. The only upside is that she asks to go to bed now and she sleeps through the night pretty consistently.

--I mostly just cant get over how grown up she is! She can sit on the swings by herself and she loves to do puzzles and matching. She talks up a storm and is speaking in full sentences too. She makes me laugh with how much she has to say, but I love hearing the chatter echo through my house.

She's my sweet little girl and I love the light and spunk she brings to my days!

--Loves to play with his toys. He is in full imagination mode these days and his toys are his best friends. He is especially attached to his Transformer, Heatwave or 'Heatbot' as he calls it. He plays with it all day, brings it everywhere we go, and sleeps with it too! It's cute to see him use different voices for his different toys as well as tell me what they are feeling and thinking throughout the day.

--He loves to be outside and he loves to get dirty. I pulled out a makeshift sandbox this week and he has played in it constantly, driving his trucks, trains, and airplanes through it.

--He's still a picky eater, gags on SO MANY FOODS, but is getting a little better about trying new foods. His favorite things to eat are Waffles, Toast, Baked Oatmeal, Muffins, Macaroni and Cheese and Strawberries...and Goldfish and Raisins, his makeshift trail-mix that he adores.
Also potato chips...

And just the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms...

Did I mention that he gets into things a lot faster than he used to? I don't know if it's just because I'm pregnant and tired or the fact that he's a 3 year old boy, but I just can't keep up with all the messes he makes! ...Though most of the time he will help clean them up!
--He's a sweet kid who loves to snuggle and he gives the best hugs! He sings LOUDLY and memorizes the books we read so he can read them back to me. We do a little co-op preschool right now too that he loves, and is constantly telling me about what we talked about/learned that day.
He's potty trained (mostly) and he's a big helper around the house. He's a go-with-the-flow happy kid and I love having him talking me through my days!

What can I say, I love my kids!