It's hard to believe that it's already May 12th! Ada's official Due Date! She's been ours for 2 weeks now and we are completely in love with her. She was born on April 27th at 6:37 PM. She weighed
7 lbs 2 oz and was 20 inches long, and had a head of dark black hair!
Ada Elizabeth Hughes

I was lucky and labor went quickly and easily! We went to the hospital around 1:00 PM and she was born 5 hours later, when the Dr showed up :)
My amazing Mom left other events to drive up and help us out, and to see the brand new baby! She stayed the rest of the week and I never would've survived without her!!

I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends and family who helped take care of my kids while we were in the hospital! After my friend Chelsea took care of the kids in the afternoon, Amy took them home and did dinner and bedtime with them! I seriously couldn't live without her!

The first night went well, Ada was awake a lot of the night, but she didn't cry at all. She mostly wanted to eat and stare around. It was sweet to have the peaceful dark hours taking time to get to know her. She pretty much slept the day away the next day :)
The kids came to visit! Dallin was super excited to meet 'baby Ada' and couldn't wait to hold her.

Elsie cared a lot more about the free Oreos!

The kids have done really well with her since we've been home. They love to hold her and kiss her. When she cries, they run up and say "It's ok Ada, your brother's here" or "I got you baby, everything is just fine." haha, they are really sweet. They also smother her like crazy, but I guess she should just get used to it now.

She's a sweet baby, and really doesn't cry much, only if I'm holding off eating time too long. She doesn't like to sleep in her pack and play, she much prefers to sleep in bed with us.
Or almost anywhere else really... :)
She also really loves the carrier I have which is such a blessing to me! Thanks to Jared who spoiled me rotten at Christmas this year! This Ergo is amaaaazzing!

She loves her daddy. It always seems like she perks up when he gets home from work, waking up from her nap and looking for him, listening to his voice.

She's such a blessing in our lives!