Friday, March 7, 2014

Family Vacation

  Last Week Jared took the WHOLE week off and we took a little family vacation!  It was a wonderful week and we all enjoyed the break from everyday life.
Originally we were going to go travel somewhere warm, like St George, or California....but then we decided to spend half our vacation budget on a new TV, which was TOTALLY worth it...and so we rearranged our vacation plans to spend some of it in our lovely new house and enjoying southeast idaho. :) 
  First, Jared got up with the kids and let me SLEEP IN!!!!...It was an amazing experience.  I probably haven't slept til 8:30 since I was in High School! My husband is awesome! 
  Later that day, we took Dallin to a little playplace and ate some pretty awful pizza..which Dallin gagged on and threw up.  However, he did enjoy the little ride on toys, especially the galloping horse.  We also indulged in a little bit of thrift store shopping and found him an adorable 5 dollar suit and me some nifty colored shoes, and Jared some schnazzy new shirts. I know...we're very exciting. :)  But really, it was just nice to be able to hang out as a family and not have a schedule to follow or anything that needed to actually get done.
  Tuesday, thanks to my awesome sister, we got to go on a date while she watched the kids.  We did some bowling--I won.  And some mini-golf--which I also won, and played some arcade games--Jared definitely won all of those, and then we watched The Lego Movie. It was funny and wierd and we enjoyed it a lot.  It was fun to do those things together and not have to worry about what Dallin was breaking, or what Elsie was proceeding to eat off of the floor.

The next day we trekked to Logan...but in a new car beacause the night before we took our car in for an oil change and the person backed it up into another car and dented up the bumper--so we got to drive this ugly-colored Chevy Malibu the rest of the week.  All in all not a bad car, except for the the time that we rolled down the window and it wouldnt roll back up for a while...anyway...yeah.  It was all good.

Logan was fun!  We hung out with the parents, and I graduated my phone status from archaic flip phone to SMARTPHONE!  It was a pretty amazing experience, and my life is forever changed because of it. I already have a dependent relationship with it, no doubt. Though I took most of the pictures with it, and a lot of them turned out a little blurry so sorry for that.
The kids loved being with Grandma and Grandpa and we had a really great time.

Then we went to Provo to hang out with Emma and Ryan.  We went to their rec center which has an indoor water park, and we loved it! It took a little while to get the kids into it, but all in all they had a great time, as did I.

Elsie had so much fun she fell asleep :)
That night we went to some fun brazillian place to eat and then to a little dessert place called the Chocolate Moose--which served tiny little mousse pies in shotglasses.  It was delicious and fun!

Saturday was Jared's Birthday! (31 years!) and he really wanted to go do this Star Trek Simulation that he had done when he was on his took us a little while to find it, but once we got into it, it was a lot of fun!  Thanks mom for babysitting again so we could have another fun date! We also got to reconnect with Nate and Beka, which was fun.


All in all, an amazing week! 


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